Kinect hacks just keep getting better [Video]
The way developers are hacking Microsoft’s Kinect motion controller to lead it into all sorts of exciting new directions continues to impress. While some are using it as a musical instrument controller, others have taken it into the world of dance.
This impressive video was sent through to us from Singapore. Edwin Toh, a developer at Kinetic Singapore, expains that it was created as a marketing stunt for drinks brand F&N. “Dancers are transformed into colourful bubbles which react and replicate the dancers’ moves,” he says. “As dancers groove to the music, sounds will be triggered. Depending on which screen region the dancers move to and trigger, different pitches will be produced, leading to a unique mish-mash of creative sounds and movements.”
Beyond the fact that brands are now jumping on the Kinect hack bandwagon, what’s exciting about this video is that it looks just like a pop video but rendered in real time. If developers are doing this mere months after Kinect’s initial release, what will they be doing in a year from now?