Parkopedia helps you find parking spaces in over 5700 towns in 20 countries
Ever found yourself in a situation where you need to drive around the block looking for a decent parking spot? Here’s a great free service to help you with your parking woes. Parkopedia is a nifty service that’s touting itself as the “Wikipedia for parking”.
The service has been co-founded by Anthony Eskinazi (who’s also behind ParkatmyHouse) and has been around for quite some time now, although it only recently underwent a makeover.
The free service features an extensive and impressive database of over 15 million parking spaces spread across 5759 towns in 20 countries.
Searching for a parking spot? Just enter where you’d like to park in the search bar and the service lists all available spots on an interactive map, complete with filters, street-view, information and even reviews. At the bottom of the map, Parkopedia lists the addresses of each spot, its distance, operating hours and the pricing.
Parkopedia also features a nifty price calculator on the left that tells you exactly how much you need to pay based on the From/To values you enter. There’s also a ‘Places Nearby’ tab that lists interesting places to visit in the area.
Parkopedia has also made it extremely easy to access its database on the move by offering an iPhone app as well as a mobile version of the website. Apps for the other mobile platforms are currently in the works. Alternative, the service also has a SMS system for UK folks.
The service also lets you embed its maps on your websites and is even licensing out its parking data.
Try Parkopedia out here.