Quora: The Stats Behind the Buzz [INFOGRAPHIC]
Quora‘s beautifully designed, elegantly executed Q&A might be burning up the blogs, but how is the site performing in the real world?
Web analytics firm KISSmetrics has just published an infographic about “The Wonderful World of Quora.” The charts show some interesting details, such as the growth of Quora’s userbase as well as the upward trend of monthly uniques. KISSmetrics also points out the myriad ways to use Quora beyond just asking and answering questions.
The infographic was created with help from Semil Shah, an active Quora user and fan.
What do you think of Quora’s chances of long-term success? Do you use the platform, yourself? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
More About: infographic, kissmetrics, quora
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