Students love tech and Twitter enabled classrooms produce better grades [Infographic]
We all love technology, it makes our lives better, it gives us access to better ways to plan and it makes learning easier, but the next generation of students are becoming more reliant on it than ever, perhaps too reliant. The infographic below shows just how in tune with tech modern students are, but we found the stats that show students using technology for actual learning encouraging. The fact that classrooms using Twitter to improve engagement average 5 grade points higher than ones that don’t was also surprising.
When I went through college a laptop or a Palm Pilot with an external keyboard was about as fancy as it got, but nowadays I think an iPad would be at the top of my list. Nearly 50% of students think that tablets of one sort or another will replace textbooks within 5 ears. That would have done wonders for the weight of my backpack, and my wallet.