Vodafone India Threatens Upset Customer With Defamation For Complaining About Bad Service
You would think, by now, that companies (especially big companies) would recognize that attacking customers who complain about service online is a strategy destined to backfire in a big bad way. And yet, it continues to happen. Vodafone India has apparently sent a legal nastygram to a customer who complained about crappy Vodafone service on Facebook, and tried to reach top management to get their attention. The story is made a bit more confusing by the guy complaining that Vodafone somehow has access to his “private” conversations, but (from the description in the article) it sounds like the guy might not have known that if you don’t set conversations to private, then they’re open to the public. Even so, the larger issue is the almost certain backlash for any company that threatens a customer (no matter how annoying) for complaining on Facebook or Twitter. Focus on fixing the problem, not attacking the messenger.
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